Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Thursday, three Palestinians in Doura town, near the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and kidnapped two children in the Old City of Jerusalem, local sources have reported. The sources said that two brothers identified as Ahmad and Nihad Ali Talahma, in addition to Sameeh Hasan Talahma, from Khasra town, southwest of Hebron, were kidnapped by the army in the nearby town of Doura.

Soldiers also installed several roadblocks at main roads in Zeef area, and between the towns of Yatta and As-Samoa’, south of Hebron, and in Yaqeen area, east of Hebron, stopped and searched dozens of vehicles and interrogated the residents.

In Jerusalem, soldiers and policemen kidnapped two children of the “Orphans School” in the Old City, under the pretext that beat a settler on Wednesday. The two have been identified as Mohammad Maz’aro, 13, and Hamza Abu Diab, 13.

Twelve of their schoolmates have been kidnapped on Wednesday, and were moved to an interrogation facility.

Earlier on Thursday, soldiers invaded Ya’bod town, near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, and kidnapped five Palestinians.

Soldiers also invaded several areas in the occupied West Bank, and searched a dozens of homes causing property damage.

The arrests and invasions are the latest among ongoing and escalating Israeli violations against the Palestinian people and their property in the occupied West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.